Virginia Ability
- Non-Profit Organizations

Virginia Ability is a non-profit association focused on improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities. We Educate businesses on the proven benefits of hiring qualified individuals with disabilities to their organization, Cultivate business and community employment resource partnerships to connect workforce talent with job opportunities, and Empower businesses to make a positive and lasting impact on Virginia’s workforce and economy. Employers must be engaged in and champion cutting-edge disability recruitment and hiring strategies, not as charity or marketing, but because it’s smart business.
Virginia Ability is looking to a future when Abilities Reimaged is commonplace, where people with disabilities and their potential are better understood, a diversity of thoughtful perspectives are celebrated, inclusive company cultures are valued, and most importantly, barriers to employment disappear. Businesses that understand the potential will hire individuals with disabilities for their abilities — because together we have the Ability to make the workplace work for everyone! Our mission and work are to recognize all Abilities with programs to on disability inclusion, leadership strategies, best practices, business success stories, overcoming challenges, and much more. -