Leadership Unscripted: Elevating Leadership Potential Through Authentic Conversations

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Name: Leadership Unscripted: Elevating Leadership Potential Through Authentic Conversations
Date: March 5, 2025
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST
Event Description:


Introducing Leadership Unscripted: Elevating Leadership Potential Through Authentic Conversations 
Formerly known as Mentor Richmond, Leadership Unscripted is a premier leadership development program crafted for professionals seeking to learn from the region’s most dynamic leaders. Our program offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with fellow professionals, uncover your unique strengths, and apply them to your leadership journey. Transform your potential into impactful leadership.

Meet Your Leaders: 
   William Fiege 
        Angela  Roisten           Ken Ampy            Kimberly Keno 

What to Expect:
Leadership Unscripted participants have the unique opportunity to engage in intimate, casual conversations with influential leaders from our community. These leaders come from diverse backgrounds, industries, and paths to success, providing invaluable insights for participants regardless of their own career journeys.

Throughout the program, participants collaborate to prepare for their conversations with each leader They design agendas that allow them to understand the leaders as real people while thoughtfully discussing questions and topics relevant to all leaders.
This preparation, combined with small group discussions and partnered work, fosters strong bonds among participants as they learn from the diverse perspectives of their cohort peers.

Reflection is a key component of Leadership Unscripted, helping participants identify commonalities and differences in leadership styles. The program incorporates the CliftonStrengths assessment, enabling participants to recognize, appreciate, and apply their unique talents to their leadership development journey.

Benefits at a Glance:
  • Offer a platform for professionals to connect with and learn from regional leaders.
  • Foster networking and knowledge sharing among professionals.
  • Help participants discover and apply their unique strengths in their leadership journeys.
  • Support ongoing professional development and self-reflection

Date  Leaders  
March 5 Brian Anderson Kick Off
March 12 John Sarvay Planning #1
March 19 Dr. William Fiege Program
April 2 Marnelle Fanfan Planning #2
April 9 Angela Roisten Program
April 16 University of Richmond Planning #3
May 7 Ken Ampy Program
May 14 Kathryn Long  Planning #4
May 21 Kimberly Keno Program
June 4 Celebration Ceremony Closing

Event Sponsors:
  • University of Richmond
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, March 5 - Wednesday, June 4 (10 Wednesdays) 
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Contact Information:
Marnelle Fanfan

The program fee which includes an in-depth strengths assessment and facilitated interpretation throughout. There will be NO REFUNDS once payment is received. Partial scholarships are available. Your employer may pay some or all of your participation fee.
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